Conception of ishqe haqiqi in Hazrat Alisher Navai's Masnavi “Laila Majnun”


masnavi, legend, love story, romantic poet, epic literature, poem, Hamsa, a collection of five epic poems, genre, style, spiritual values.

How to Cite

Muhayya Abdurahmanova. (2023). Conception of ishqe haqiqi in Hazrat Alisher Navai’s Masnavi “Laila Majnun”. Rashhat-E-Qalam, 3(2), 01-09. Retrieved from


This tragic love story "Leyla and Majnun" had a significant impact on the various cultures of the peoples of the East. Nizami Ganjavi, the renowned Persian poet of the 12th century, immortalized this story in his epic poem as part of his "Khamsa," or "Five." This work became a cornerstone of oriental poetry, influencing subsequent poets like Alisher Navoi, Mohammed Fizuli, Abdurakhman Jami, and Amir Khosrov Dehlavi. Navoi’s rendition rendition of "Khamsa" stands out as the first in the Turkic language, deviating from the Persian tradition. His interpretation brings a unique style and resonance to the narrative. Some interpretations suggest that through the depiction of Leyla and Majnun's love, Navoi aimed to convey the Sufi understandingof love for the divine. The poem glorifies human love for the Creator and advocates for spiritual values such as love, compassion, and the philosophy of boundless, all-encompassing love. In this way, the tale transcends mere romantic tragedy, delving into the depths of spiritual devotion and existential longing.

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