Structural-semantic features of substantive word combination “Adjective+Noun” in Urdu


adaptation, concatenation, phrase, ruler and subordinate clause, equestrian phrase, verb phrase, equivalence, subordination, original quality, relative quality, simple degree, comparative degree, superlative degree.

How to Cite

Turaev Husniddin, & Dr. Muhayya Abdurahmanova. (2022). Structural-semantic features of substantive word combination “Adjective+Noun” in Urdu. Rashhat-E-Qalam, 2(1), 15-24.


The article discusses the basic concepts and terms related to the phrase, expresses the attitude to some debatable problems associated with the theory of the phrase; the structural models of substantive phrases of the Urdu language are revealed, their features and means of communication are given, and the semantic relations between their components are shown; the main models of adjective phrases are determined, the features of their similarities and differences are demonstrated on the composition and methods of communication and describe the semantic relationship between their components.
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