Some features of Zahiruddin Muhammad Babar’s lyric poetry


poetic heritage, ghazal, poetry, poetic genre, rhyme, divan, copy, kit’a, lyrical hero, motherland, homesickness, fate, sorrows of the world, ruler.

How to Cite

Dr. Muhayya Abdurahmanova. (2021). Some features of Zahiruddin Muhammad Babar’s lyric poetry. Rashhat-E-Qalam, 3(1), 1-9.


Babur's poetic heritage is multifaceted and rich. Lyric works were collected in the "Kabul Divan" (1519), then in the "Indian Divan" (1529-30). He wrote poetry in over 10 genres of oriental lyrics. His poems reflect his personal life and historical events. The basis of Babar's poetry is composed of poems of love and lyric content. The poet's mastery is expressed in the original literary style and skillful use of the most expressive means of the Turkic language. We can say that Babar's poems are the poet's autobiography, in which deep feelings are touchingly expounded in poetic language, skillfully told about the experiences generated as a result of a collision with life circumstances.The basis of Babar's poetry is composed of poems of love and lyric content. One of the important aspects of his work is the glorification of truly human, earthly, real love. The poet's lyrics are saturated with the inspired poetry of Alisher Navoi. In his gazelles and rubaiz, he raises such problems of human relations as love, friendship, striving for beauty. The poet sings earthly love as the highest human dignity.



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