Improving Reading Comprehension of Deaf Learners by using Visual literacy: An Experimental Study


Visual literacy, Reading comprehension, deaf learners.

How to Cite

Syeda Beenish Batool, Dr. Zahida Parveen, &  Bilal Asmat Cheema. (2021). Improving Reading Comprehension of Deaf Learners by using Visual literacy: An Experimental Study. Rashhat-E-Qalam, 1(2), 102-110.


Deafness contributes towards the poor reading and writing skills of learners with deafness and ultimately it effects the whole academic performance of the deaf learners. Visual literacy is an emerging phenomena which results towards the improvement of reading skills of deaf learners can be investigated. The goal of this study was to see the impact of the visual literacy in improving word identification and discrimination ability and vocabulary improvement of deaf learners and to investigate the differences among the learners who taught with and without the use of visual literacy. sample included thirty students with hearing impairment of grade three. A test of English was used by the researcher to test the reading comprehension of students of grade three with hearing impairment. Two groups were made by random sampling technique. Both groups were pretested. After the pretest both groups were selected for the experimentation and one was taught through visual literacy while the other group was taught with traditional classroom instructions. At the end the performance of both groups were evaluated by using the posttest. The t-test was used for the comparison of statistical data analysis for both groups A significant improvement was found in reading comprehension of deaf learners who taught through the use of visual literacy. It was concluded that deaf learners can perform better in English if they are taught through the strategies of visual literacy.


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