Pakistan’s Policy Contours in Afghanistan in the Regional Dynamics


National Interests
Natural resources

How to Cite

Dr. Saima Parveen, Dr. Muhammad Tariq, & Imraz Muhammad. (2022). Pakistan’s Policy Contours in Afghanistan in the Regional Dynamics. Rashhat-E-Qalam, 2(2), 120-130.


Peace and stability in Afghanistan is of vital importance for regional as well as broader global accord. Recent research has examined Afghanistan from a wide variety of peace and security dimensions; a great deal of knowledge about this country is available. However, in the prevailing literature, much less attention has been devoted to objective identification of the stakes that Pakistan holds in Afghanistan that are mutually inclusive, which draw on wider ownership and which will accrue long-term dividends, compared to those stakes which are exclusive and more competitive. The study finds that the Pakistan policy lines  in Afghanistan are to work for peace and stability inside Afghanistan, to promote economic interests by having trade, transit, regional connectivity and most importantly the security of not only the two countries but of the whole region. Pakistan in the current Taliban government can better attempt to convince Taliban for inclusivity, observing human rights in order to gain international recognition.
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