Body image and its relationship to suggestibility for students of Alsalam University


Body Image
Alsalam University

How to Cite

Yahia Mohammed Fadul allah Mussa, Altyb ALsanosi Yousif Hassan, & Zeinab Omer Mohammed Ahmed Elhaj. (2022). Body image and its relationship to suggestibility for students of Alsalam University . Rashhat-E-Qalam, 2(1), 44-63.


             The study aimed to know the body image and its relationship to suggestibility among the students of Al-Salam University in the light of some variables. The sample size of the study was (110) students, chosen in a simple random way, and their average age was (22.42), standard deviation (2.113).To collect the study data, the researchers used the body image scale prepared by (Mohamed Al-Noubi, 2010), and the suggestibility scale prepared by (Kotov, 2004), and to analyze the study data, the researchers used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and the study reached the following results :-The body image of the University of Salam students is positive, while their suggestibility decreases, and there is a statistically significant inverse correlation between body image and suggestibility, there is no relationship between body image and (age, educational level)The study concluded with some recommendations including the need for awareness and continuous guidance on the importance of accepting and preserving the body through scientific seminars, workshops and the media.


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