The Myth of Democracy: An Appraisal



How to Cite

Dr. Muhammad Tariq, Imraz Muhammad, & Muhammad Sohail Khan. (2022). The Myth of Democracy: An Appraisal. Rashhat-E-Qalam, 2(1), 25-34.


: Democracy means power of people, or a system of government which believes in power sharing with people. It can be defined as a system of government of the people, by the people and for the people. This study aims at examining democracy to know the real meaning of democracy (definitions, principles and characteristics), besides investigating the myth of democracy by pin-pointing those factors which are not the real face of democracy. Where democracy is composed ideologically and culturally by the elites for the self-interest and not for the welfare of society.  The study focusses on qualitative approach of study mainly relying on secondary sources of data based on documents-analysis. The self-structure scale is designed for measurement of myth in democracy. Main findings of the study encompass humiliations of the political, social and economic rights. Deconstruction of the equality, liberty, freedom, rule of law, tyranny and government of immature.


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