Authors Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors

                                                             COMMON REQUIREMENTS

All manuscripts submitted to RASHHAT-E-QALAM should contain the following:

Authors Declaration: Author declarations have been provided while submitting the article.

Title page: The title page should carry the type of manuscript, the title of the article, the name of the authors with academic qualification and institutional affiliation, the name of the department, and the institution to which the work should be attributed. Name, address, phone numbers, and email address of the contributor responsible for correspondence about the manuscript. Should be clear, concise, and should explain the objectives of the study. All disciplines should follow the English Language for Title.

Copyright Form: It is mandatory for all authors to sign the copyright form and send it to us. We encourage its submission during manuscript submission and no manuscript shall be published without its submission.

Manuscript:  All submissions must be submitted in Microsoft Word compatible format. Specification such as front size 12 and style Times New Roman or Jameel Noori Nastaleeq, double spacing should be followed. Avoid the use of outline form. It should contain a title page, abstract, keywords, introduction, material & methods, results, discussions, references, tables and figures, and legend for tables, figures, and graphs. There should be no name of any authors/acknowledgement and information that hampers the double-blind peer review of the manuscript.

Keywords: All types of submitted manuscripts should provide 5-10 keywords.

Abstract/keywords: The second page should carry the full article of the manuscript and an abstract (of no more than 150 words for case reports, brief reports, and 250 words for original articles). The abstract should be structured with subsections: Introduction/ Background, Aim, Material & Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Avoid abbreviations and manufacturing information. Below the abstract, provide 3-5 keywords.


The plagiarism report must have attached along with article, plagiarism having less than 19%. For checking of plagiarism, the HEC Pakistan recommended the software which is Turnitin.  

References:  References should be numbered in order which they appear in the text and these numbers should be inserted above the lines on each occasion the author is cited. Reference should be written in the English language/Roman Language, whether the article is Urdu discipline or any other language. Wherever possible, authors are encouraged to add DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers at the end of each reference.