Membership Of Non-Muslim In The Parliament Of The Islamic State, Islamic Perspective


Islamic state, Parliament, Minority,Representation.

How to Cite

Ahmad, N. ., Khan, M. A. ., & Jadoon, S. U. H. . (2024). Membership Of Non-Muslim In The Parliament Of The Islamic State, Islamic Perspective. Rashhat-E-Qalam, 4(1), 22-32.


There are more than fifty   Islamic countries in  the  world.  But  in  these  countries,  non-Muslims,  too,  live  as  minority. Most  of  the  Islamic  countries  have given  the   right  of  representation  in  their  respective  legislative  councils (Majlis-e- Shura ),  to  their  non-Muslim  minorities. They allocated  special  seats  for  them  in  their  respective  parliament  according  to  the  population  of  their  minorities.   Such  rules  are  also  practicing  in  Pakistan.  Pakistan  has  also  reserved  for  them  10  seats  in  national  assembly,  4 Seats  in  senate,  and   9,  3,  8   and  3  seats  in  Sindh,  Baluchistan ,  Punjab  and  Khyber Pakhtunkhwa  assemblies  respectively.  These  laws  are   prevalent  all  over  the  world. 

            Now,  the  main  question  of  this  study  is  that , is  it  lawful  for  any  Islamic  country  to  reserve  seats  in  its  legislative  council  for minorities  or  not?  We  will  try  our   best  to  search  the  answer  of  this  question,  in  the light of  the  principle  of  the  Quran  and  Sunnah ,  in  this  research  paper.


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