Structural And Morphological Analysis Of Homonymous Words In The Lexical Layer Of Hindi


Homonymy, homonymous, word formation, agglutination, hybridization, composition, root morphemes and affixal morphemes, a compound word, a compound word, noun, adjective, verb, productive form; average amount of form; small form (unproductive form)

How to Cite

Nurmatova Zubayda Dilshod qizi. (2024). Structural And Morphological Analysis Of Homonymous Words In The Lexical Layer Of Hindi. Rashhat-E-Qalam, 4(1), 75-81.


This article discusses structural and morphological analysis of  homonymous words in the lexical layer of Hindi. At first, we gave definition about word formation in general linguistics and in Hindi. Using K. Guru’s book  “Hindi Grammar”, we found that compound words in Hindi are divided into 4 groups.  Based on Z.M. Dimshits’s book “Grammar of  Hindi Language” we made a structural and thematic analysis of the identified homonyms, and we identified the most productive forms among them.


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