Narration of Migration and Riots in Pakistani Urdu Novel


Partition. Chaos. Unrest. Migrate. Cruelty and barbarism. Many novels. Aangan. Udas Nasleen. Khaq aur khoon. Rakh. Chand Gehan. Talash-e-Baharan. Mayhem. Pakistani novelists. Historical status.

How to Cite

Dr. Muhammad Khuram. (2021). Narration of Migration and Riots in Pakistani Urdu Novel. Rashhat-E-Qalam, 3(1), 111-123.


The partition of the Indian sub-continent is one of the major political events of the 20th century. This division led to chaos and unrest in the region, both pre and post- partition era. Indian Muslims started to migrate to Pakistan soon after the declaration of the establishment of Pakistan. These migrating caravans had to face all kind of cruelty and barbarism; they faced every kind of inhumane acts; anyone can think of. Almost every novelist of that time has put these events in writing. Many novels like “Aangan”, Udas Nasleen”, “Khaq aur khoon”, “Rakh”, “Chand Gehan”, and “Talash-e-Baharan” narrate the mayhem, looting of caravan, and burning down of cities in the perspective of the partition. These novels do not only paint one side of the picture but also describe the bitter truth of all the viciousness in Muslim majority areas. Hindu brutality in eastern Punjab resulted in an increased injustice against Hindu and Sikh in Muslim majority regions, especially in west Punjab. Pakistani novelists, by narrating the truth behind the events of migration and chaos without any bias have truly given these novels a historical status.


Khadeeja Mastoor,AANGAN(Lahore:Sang-e-Meel publications,2012), p239

Same, p275

Abdullah Hussain,UDAS NUSLAIN included Majmoua Abdullah Hussain (Lahore:Sang-e-Meel publications,2007), p450

Same, p452

Same, p453

Same, p458

Same, p459

Same, p462

Mustansar Hussain Tarrar,RAKAH(Lahore:Sang-e-Meel publications,2012), p102

Same, p72

Same, p71

Intezar Hussain,CHAND GAHAN(Lahore:Maktba-e-Karwan,1953),p149-160

Same, p54-55

Same, p136

Col.Ghulam Sarwar,’’Naseem Hajazi apni tehreeron kay aaeny mein’’,included NASEEM HAJAZI AIK MUTALIA,complied by Tasudaq Hussain Raja,(Lahore:Qoumi Kitab Khana,1987), p162

Naseem Hajazi,KHAK AUR KHOON(Lahore:Jahanger Books),p343

Same, p358-359

Same, p387

Same, p390

Dr.Mumtaz Ahmad Khan,URDU NOVEL KAY HAMA GEER SAROKAR(Lahore:Fiction House,2012),p144

Jameela Hashmi,TALASH-e-BAHARAN(Karachi:Urdu Acadmy Sindh,1961),p669

Dr.Muhammad Arif,URDU NOVEL AUR AZADI KAY TASWARAT(Lahore:Pakistan Writters Cooperative Society,2011),p768

. Jameela Hashmi,TALASH-e-BAHARAN, p535-536

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