The Secret of Dariyabadi’s Successful Essay writing


Abul Kalam Azad, Abdul Majid Daryaabadi, Hassan Nizami,
twentieth century

How to Cite

Dr. Ansari Mashood Akhter Jamal Ahmad. (2024). The Secret of Dariyabadi’s Successful Essay writing. Rashhat-E-Qalam, 4(1), 106-113.


        Insha Pardazi (Essay Writing) is an art like any other art in which the same work is taken from the words as from the colors in the painting and from the instruments in the music.

        Urdu prose has produced few "masters of style" like Shibli, Nazir, Azad in the nineteenth century and Abul Kalam Azad, Abdul Majid Daryaabadi, Hassan Nizami, Mehdi Afadi and Mullah Wahidi in the twentieth century.

        Abdul Majid Dariyabadi's greatest virtue is that he has a unique and distinguished identity prose writers among his time and adopts words and phrases according to the occasion and place. Language, literature and ethics, in all respects, he was a reformer, insightful and architectural writer.

        His writings are such that it has taught essay writing before and still have the power to teach today.

        Abdul Majid Dariyabadi said to beginners: “It is my advice that if you want to learn scholarly and serious essay writing in a smooth manner, then learn from the books of Allamah Shibli Nomani.


- Insha, Adab Aur Adeeb by Prof. Mohammad Mujeeb, Delhi

- Ham Aap by Abdul Majid Dariyabadi

- Abdul Majid Dariyabadi : Ahwal-o- Asar by Dr. Tahseen Ahmed Firaqi

- Mabadi-e- Falsafa by Abdul Majid Dariyabadi

- Maqalat-e-Majid by Abdul Majid Dariyabadi

- Abdul Majid Dariyabadi : Ek Baakamal Inshapardaz by Abdul Aleem Kidwai

- Aap Beeti by Abdul Majid Dariyabadi

- Abdul Majid D. ke Adabi Shahpare by Sameeuddin Nizamabadi

Journals etc.

- Weekly Sidq-e- Jadeed ,Lucknow, Aug. 1953

- Monthly Nuqoosh, Lahor , Feb.1961

- Monthly Farog-Urdu, Lucknow , Spl. No. on Abdul Majid D. Aug. to Oct. 1971

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