Analyticl study of Orientalists, Yamani Journeys for Archaeological Discoveries of Ancient Yamani Inscriptions and Epigraphs


Geographic, Civilizations, Yaman, History, Orientalists, Archaeological Discoveries, Ancient, Inscriptions, Epigraphs.

How to Cite

Syed Alhaq Jadoon. (2024). Analyticl study of Orientalists, Yamani Journeys for Archaeological Discoveries of Ancient Yamani Inscriptions and Epigraphs. Rashhat-E-Qalam, 4(1), 55-67.


The Holy Quran describes the Geographic conditions of the places and also the Civilizations of  the  Nations lived there in the participation of different Stories. Among them some cities and Nations of Yaman are also mentioned in the  Quran.The Quran explaines the situations and events of Maarib Dam, Saba Nation, queen Balqees, Fellows of the Elephant )ASHAbUl  FEEL(,Fellows of the Gardan )ASHABUL JANNA(, Fellows of the ditch (ASHABUL UKHDUD) etc.They all belonged to yaman. Therefore it is necessary to understand the Geographical situations, History and Civilization of these Nations.that is why Yaman and its different cities has a great importance to observe the Geographical situations of these places. the Muslims Researchers travelled Yaman so many times and also wrote books on its History and civilization but on the contraray, the Orientalists in this connection did a great deal.

          In the 18th, century for the new establishment of Yaman, History and Culture were the series of Archaeological Discoveries were also started by this aspect individually and collectively the different territories of Jazira-e- Arab were travelled by many Orientalists and western Researchers, However they travelled first to Yaman.

          The Orientalists through Sana, Hazar mout, Aseer, Saba, Najran, Mukalla and Hasn-e- Ghurab and also tried their best to reach the distinationt. Among the Orientalists, Newbar, Seetzens, M.O. Tamisier, Chedwfeau, Mary, J.R Wellested, Charles.J. Cruttenden, H.B Hainss, Adolph Von Warad, Arnuad, J.Halevy, Sigfried Langer, Eduard Glaser and  D. Hiroch travelled Yaman for Archaeological Discoveries.they discovered many inscriptions, manusscript and ephigraphs of Ancient Yamani Civilization.after discovering the Orientalsits transferred these things to Europe for research.

          Ancient Yamani studies is a permanent Knowledge in the Europe, in which varrious types of specilization can be achieved. but the credit of this work goes to these orientalists who struggled and travelled from Europe to Yaman. in this Aricle we discuss about that  Journeys of Orientalists for Archaeological Discoveries of Ancient Yamani Inscriptions and Epigraphs.
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