Rashhat-e-Qalam https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq <p><strong>Rashhat-e-Qalam</strong> is multidisciplinary journal of educational research and innovation. It is an open access bi -annually journal that publishes research outcomes with significant contributions to the understanding and improvement of the educational processes. <strong>Rashhat-e-Qalam</strong> collects research results from different disciplines and methodological approaches and research carried out by interdisciplinary research related to education.</p> <p>In this line, disciplinary and interdisciplinary works related to educational research are welcome in areas including education, sociology, Arcialogy, psychology, history, philosophy, economics, linguistics, geography , political science and International Relations.</p> <p>The aim of the journal is to bring forth the knowledge of various faculties in one platform to have authentic critical appreciation. Its interdisciplinary approach is deliberate to bring the internationally famed scholars on one platform to illumine the world of knowledge. Peer review process is indispensable for all the articles will be conveyed via e-mail. The papers ought to be submitted observing the instructions of the journal and must be written in the scholarly style and format.</p> <p>This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without any charges to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.</p> <p> </p> en-US rashhatqalam@gmail.com (Dr.Muhammand Altaf Yousof Zai) rashhatqalam@gmail.com (Altaf Yousofzai) Thu, 09 May 2024 11:06:12 -0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Bahmani Sultanate-Their contributions towards Art and Architecture https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/86 <p><em>During the five hundred years after Prophet Mohammed’s (S) death in A.D. 632, Islam spread far beyond its place of origin in the Arabian Peninsula. As Islam spread, a distinctive style of Islamic art gradually developed. It was used mainly for religious architecture, book illustrations, and the decoration of pottery, metal-ware, and other useful objects. Islamic art was influenced by the artistic styles included late Roman, Byzantine, and Persian art. The new chapter which was opened in the Islamic period led to the creation of remarkable religious buildings. Iranian arts such as calligraphy, wall paintings, stucco (Plaster-cut), mirror work, tile work and metal art became closely tied together in this new era. Islamic architecture and building decoration are among the most beautiful means of expression. Decoration does not play such an important role in any other type of architecture.Islamic art not only describes the art created specially in the service of the Muslim faith but also characterizes the art and architecture historically produced in the lands ruled by Muslims artists.Calligraphy is the most important and pervasive element in the Islamic art. A striking example of this influence is seen in the north Karnataka i.e., in Gulbarga, Bidar and Bijapur the most beautiful wall paintings and stone engravings inside the tombs and outer parts of the architecture.</em></p> Rehaman Patel Copyright (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/86 Wed, 14 Feb 2024 00:00:00 -0800 Mainstreaming FATA through 25th Amendment in the Constitution of Pakistan, Implications for Counter Terrorism Efforts https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/17 <p><em>Because of terrorism stemming from the unstable Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Pakistan has increased its geopolitical prominence in international politics since 2001. The Frontier Crime Regulation (FCR) 1901, which was inherited from the British, regulated this semi-autonomous region of the country. It remained a grey region after the partition, with the government having little control. During the War on Terror, Pakistan incurred massive losses. Consequently, Pakistan's political parties and military establishment have decided to bring reforms to the legal, socio-economic, political, and security systems there. Following that, the proposal to merge FATA into the mainstream was debated by various stakeholders for several years. In May 2018, Pakistan's parliament approved the merger of the FATA and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa under the 25th Constitutional Amendment (KP). This paper aims to highlight the efforts by the US and Pakistan towards counter terrorism. It is also studying the impacts of this merger on counter terrorism efforts. Further, the impact on Pakistan's internal security was also examined in this study.</em></p> Hameed Ullah Khan, Muhammad Tariq, Muhammad Ilyas Copyright (c) 2021 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/17 Wed, 14 Feb 2024 00:00:00 -0800 Membership Of Non-Muslim In The Parliament Of The Islamic State, Islamic Perspective https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/8 <p><em>There are more than fifty&nbsp; &nbsp;Islamic countries in&nbsp; the&nbsp; world.&nbsp; But&nbsp; in &nbsp;these&nbsp; countries,&nbsp; non-Muslims,&nbsp; too,&nbsp; live&nbsp; as&nbsp; minority. Most&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Islamic&nbsp; countries&nbsp; have given&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp; right&nbsp; of&nbsp; representation&nbsp; in&nbsp; their&nbsp; respective&nbsp; legislative&nbsp; councils (Majlis-e- Shura ),&nbsp; to &nbsp;their&nbsp; non-Muslim&nbsp; minorities. They allocated&nbsp; special&nbsp; seats&nbsp; for&nbsp; them&nbsp; in&nbsp; their&nbsp; respective&nbsp; parliament&nbsp; according&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; population&nbsp; of&nbsp; their&nbsp; minorities.&nbsp;&nbsp; Such&nbsp; rules&nbsp; are&nbsp; also&nbsp; practicing&nbsp; in&nbsp; Pakistan.&nbsp; Pakistan&nbsp; has&nbsp; also&nbsp; reserved&nbsp; for&nbsp; them&nbsp; 10&nbsp; seats&nbsp; in&nbsp; national&nbsp; assembly,&nbsp; 4 Seats&nbsp; in&nbsp; senate,&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp; 9,&nbsp; 3,&nbsp; 8&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp; 3&nbsp; seats&nbsp; in&nbsp; Sindh,&nbsp; Baluchistan ,&nbsp; Punjab&nbsp; and&nbsp; Khyber Pakhtunkhwa&nbsp; assemblies&nbsp; respectively.&nbsp; These&nbsp; laws&nbsp; are&nbsp;&nbsp; prevalent&nbsp; all&nbsp; over&nbsp; the&nbsp; world.&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Now,&nbsp; the&nbsp; main&nbsp; question &nbsp;of &nbsp;this&nbsp; study&nbsp; is&nbsp; that , is&nbsp; it&nbsp; lawful&nbsp; for&nbsp; any&nbsp; Islamic&nbsp; country&nbsp; to&nbsp; reserve&nbsp; seats&nbsp; in&nbsp; its&nbsp; legislative&nbsp; council&nbsp; for minorities&nbsp; or&nbsp; not?&nbsp; We&nbsp; will&nbsp; try&nbsp; our&nbsp;&nbsp; best&nbsp; to&nbsp; search&nbsp; the&nbsp; answer&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; question,&nbsp; in&nbsp; the light of&nbsp; the&nbsp; principle&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Quran&nbsp; and&nbsp; Sunnah ,&nbsp; in&nbsp; this&nbsp; research&nbsp; paper.</em></p> Nisar Ahmad, Muhammad Anees Khan, Saeed  Ul Haq Jadoon Copyright (c) 2021 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/8 Wed, 14 Feb 2024 00:00:00 -0800 The main directions in the development of literary ties between the countries of the subcontinent and Uzbekistan in the 15-18 centuries https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/48 <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp; Literary relations with the countries of the East and West date back to ancient times. Cultural relations between the countries of the subcontinent and Uzbekistan date back to a very distant era. These countries were already known in the Uzbek land as countries with an ancient and deep culture. There are echoes of long-standing trade and cultural ties with these countries already in the Uzbek epics.The article is devoted to the history of literary relations of Uzbekistan with the countries of the Indian subcontinent and covers the period from the 15th to the 18th century on a large scale based on thematic sources</em></p> Dr. Tamara Khodjaeva Copyright (c) 2022 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/48 Thu, 09 May 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Covid-19 Plague, a Biological Weapon or Retribution of Nature: Struggle of Mankind against Invisible Might https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/10 <p><em>Plagues have shaped our history to some extent as they have been the biggest killers of people and led human beings inevitably to think about some very pertinent questions. The outbreak of plagues in the past raised the whole issue of man’s relationship with God. How could it be that calamities of this kind could occur with omnipresent, all-knowing and omniscient divinity? Who would allow His children to be tortured in anguish, in vast numbers? Diseases do not afflict societies in random and in chaotic ways. They are ordered events because microbes selectively expand and diffuse themselves to explore ecological niches that human beings have created. In an age where scientists are working on life extension or immortality, we are facing an existential threat due to an attack by an invisible enemy, i.e., Covid-19. This existential crisis demands a wholistic analysis of epidemics or pandemics caused by microbes. The author in this article has examined the plagues from a historical, descriptive and comparative method to get an in-depth knowledge of outbreaks.</em></p> Dr Mohammad Aslam Copyright (c) 2021 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/10 Thu, 09 May 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Analyticl study of Orientalists, Yamani Journeys for Archaeological Discoveries of Ancient Yamani Inscriptions and Epigraphs https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/11 <p><em>The Holy Quran describes the Geographic conditions of the places and also the Civilizations of&nbsp; the &nbsp;Nations lived there in the participation of different Stories. Among them some cities and Nations of Yaman are also mentioned in the &nbsp;Quran.The Quran explaines the situations and events of Maarib Dam, Saba Nation, queen Balqees, Fellows of the Elephant )ASHAbUl &nbsp;FEEL(,Fellows of the Gardan )ASHABUL JANNA(, Fellows of the ditch (ASHABUL UKHDUD) etc.They all belonged to yaman. Therefore it is necessary to understand the Geographical situations, History and Civilization of these Nations.that is why Yaman and its different cities has a great importance to observe the Geographical situations of these places. the Muslims Researchers travelled Yaman so many times and also wrote books on its History and civilization but on the contraray, the Orientalists in this connection did a great deal. </em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In the 18<sup>th</sup>, century for the new establishment of Yaman, History and Culture were the series of Archaeological Discoveries were also started by this aspect individually and collectively the different territories of Jazira-e- Arab were travelled by many Orientalists and western Researchers, However they travelled first to Yaman. </em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The Orientalists through Sana, Hazar mout, Aseer, Saba, Najran, Mukalla and Hasn-e- Ghurab and also tried their best to reach the distinationt. Among the Orientalists, Newbar, </em><em>Seetzens,</em> <em>M.O. Tamisier, Chedwfeau, Mary, </em><em>J.R Wellested, Charles.J. Cruttenden, H.B Hainss, Adolph Von Warad, Arnuad, J.Halevy, Sigfried Langer, Eduard Glaser and&nbsp; D. Hiroch travelled Yaman for </em><em>Archaeological Discoveries.they discovered many inscriptions, manusscript and ephigraphs of Ancient Yamani Civilization.after discovering the Orientalsits transferred these things to Europe for research.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ancient Yamani studies is a permanent Knowledge in the Europe, in which varrious types of specilization can be achieved. but the credit of this work goes to these orientalists who struggled and travelled from Europe to Yaman. in this Aricle we discuss about that&nbsp; Journeys of Orientalists for Archaeological Discoveries of Ancient Yamani Inscriptions and Epigraphs.</em></p> Syed Alhaq Jadoon Copyright (c) 2021 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/11 Thu, 09 May 2024 00:00:00 -0700 THE ILLUSTRATED JATAKAS OF GOUTHAM BUDDHA AT ANJATHA CAVES https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/38 <p><em>In the present study, attempt has been made to describe the Jatakas of Ajantha caves of Maharashtra state, India, The Jatakas are the stories of the previous births of Lord Gautam Buddha, who is believed as Boddhisattva (a being who is in the process of obtaining Buddhahood), to have passed innumerable existence, both human and animal, persistently qualifying himself for Buddhahood by the greatest acquisition (Paramita) of all kinds of virtues.The Jataka stories are a voluminous group of writing local to India concerning the past births of Gautama Buddha in both human and creature structure. The future Buddha might show up as a ruler, an outsider, a divine being, an elephant—in any case, in whatever structure, he displays some ideals that the story subsequently instills.</em></p> Dr. Kashinath D. W Copyright (c) 2021 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/38 Thu, 09 May 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Structural And Morphological Analysis Of Homonymous Words In The Lexical Layer Of Hindi https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/53 <p><em>This article discusses s</em><em>tructural and morphological analysis of&nbsp; homonymous words in the lexical layer of Hindi. At first, we gave definition about word formation in general linguistics and in Hindi. Using K. Guru’s book&nbsp; “Hindi Grammar”, we found that compound words in Hindi are divided into 4 groups.&nbsp; Based on Z.M. Dimshits’s book “Grammar of &nbsp;Hindi Language” we made a structural and thematic analysis of the identified homonyms, and we identified the most productive forms among them.</em></p> Nurmatova Zubayda Dilshod qizi Copyright (c) 2022 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/53 Thu, 09 May 2024 00:00:00 -0700 A Study of IbnKhaldun’s Discourses on Socio-Economic Development with Special Reference to Pakistan https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/69 <p><em>This research deals with the ups and downs in the socio-economic development of Pakistan in light of the economic theory of IbnKhaldun (1332-1406 AD). He evaluated dynamics and multidisciplinary approach that how the interconnected relationship of social and economic factors leads to ascend and descend the nations. His opinion, immorality, injustice and many other social evils are the indicators of unstable development, which caused fall of society. Like opinion of Khaldun, the researcher analysed number of factors which are responsible for rising and falling the socio-economic situations of Pakistan. Further, the consequences of the slow growth, poverty, lack of good governance, sectarianism and poor law and order situation have also pointed out. This paper focusses on those social, political and economic indicators which are directly or indirectly influence the rise and fall of socio-economic development in Pakistan. If Khaldun’s theory of economic development of nations applied, it will lead to the rise of society, because social and political stability is a good omen for development. This paper analysed the Khaldun’s economic model and compare it with socio-economic situation of Pakistan. </em></p> M. Imraz, M. Tariq, Saima. P Copyright (c) 2022 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/69 Thu, 09 May 2024 00:00:00 -0700 The Secret of Dariyabadi’s Successful Essay writing https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/16 <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Insha Pardazi (Essay Writing) is an art like any other art in which the same work is taken from the words as from the colors in the painting and from the instruments in the music.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Urdu prose has produced few "masters of style" like Shibli, Nazir, Azad in the nineteenth century and Abul Kalam Azad, Abdul Majid Daryaabadi, Hassan Nizami, Mehdi Afadi and Mullah Wahidi in the twentieth century.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Abdul Majid Dariyabadi's greatest virtue is that he has a unique and distinguished identity prose writers among his time and adopts words and phrases according to the occasion and place. Language, literature and ethics, in all respects, he was a reformer, insightful and architectural writer.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; His writings are such that it has taught essay writing before and still have the power to teach today.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Abdul Majid Dariyabadi said to beginners: “It is my advice that if you want to learn scholarly and serious essay writing in a smooth manner, then learn from the books of Allamah Shibli Nomani.</em></p> Dr. Ansari Mashood Akhter Jamal Ahmad Copyright (c) 2021 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://rashhatqalam.com/index.php/rq/article/view/16 Thu, 09 May 2024 00:00:00 -0700